Friday, December 14

Blob art

Since I finished early with the Paul Klee cat, I decided to do a blob art. Here it is.

Here are the steps.
Step 1: Make a weird shape the joins up with its self or joins up to the side.
Step 2: Do that to cover up the whole page making sure it doesn't overlap another one.
Step 3: Color it making sure you don't make the same color join.
Step 4: Put black over the lines you have drawn to make the shapes and now you're done.


  1. Great art Kharn,
    it looks like it should be in an museum,I also like how you put steps.
    Keep up the good art.

  2. Great Kharn
    What gave you the Idea to do the blob art

  3. Great Kharn.
    Awesome Blob Art.
    Good job ,
    From Brody.

  4. I wish I could drew like that
